April 26, 2015

For Sexy Snippets - April 26, 2015

#SexySnippets are seven sentences, taken from a work in progress, or published book, brought to you every Sunday.

This is a #SexySnippet from Accepting Kaley, a novel I started a few years ago. Kaley is loyal, always playing sister's keeper and rescuing her lovelorn sister from romantic catastrophe. This time, Kaley tracks Katrina down at a Canadian ranch where she discovers her sister is engaged and planning a wedding to a near stranger. This scene is between my heroine Kaley and the owner of the ranch, Hunter.

Here are the seven sentences... Enjoy! :)

“I see we have our work cut out for us.”
“Oh this is nothing.  I’ve been doing this for years now.”
“Planning impromptu weddings with handsome strangers?”
“No, Silly, coming to Katrina’s rescue.” Kaley gave Hunter a playful shove. “And we’d better get started, like you said, we have a lot of work to do.”

“Aye, aye, Captain,” Hunter teased playfully.

If you liked this sexy snippet, please check out the other awesome authors participating in #SexySnippets this week as well as the other writing samples on my blog and check out my latest release Dream Hunter now available Smarturl.it/dhu


  1. Ooh I like the idea of a handsome stranger. I;d love to know more. Great snippet

  2. That's a lovely playful snippet. Love the premise for this :-)

  3. Thanks all for reading and commenting! :)

  4. Lovely snippet. I'd like to see more of this pair together they are good.
