June 21, 2019

Summer is Coming

How many years did we wait to hear, "Winter is coming." And, yet, the final season of Game of Thrones was met with a lot of discord. I have my own mixed feelings about the ending. <<No spoilers>> I respect the writers for the hard choices they made. It's not the ending I would've written, but I have my own books for that.

With "The End" in mind, I see many endings in my near future. The end of spring. The end of the school year. But I also see the beginnings that happen after the end. Summer follows spring. School will return in the fall. Lots of stuff going on in-between the beginning and the end.

Thanks for being here, accompanying me on my journey of writing and life, the ups and downs, the downs and ups, for letting me show you who I am.

This summer, you can get to know some special guests. I have ten authors participating in my summer series—One Question Author Interviews—with Mary T. Bradford, Margie Church, Elaine Dodge, Jonathan Dunne, Ellie Gray, Abbey MacMunn, Angelique Migliore, Garth Petterson, Frank Ranew, and Kathleen Rowland.

I hope to spend the summer working on some writing projects...while fitting in plenty of beach days too!

Hope you enjoy the series, your summer, and your life journey—wherever it takes you. A story takes you on a journey. And really truly great stories never end.

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