January 23, 2024

Tropes and Clichés

If I said something was a trope, I think most people would assume me—an author and avid reader—would mean a literary trope. You know... one of the hundreds of themes used in romance novels like enemies to lovers; fake relationship; marriage of convenience; opposites attract; or there's only one bed!

But, actually a 'literary trope' means the use of figurative language and 'trope' means the same thing—a figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression. And a trope is actually the same thing as a cliché. cliché is defined as an overused word or phrase to the point that the original meaning is lost or the current use is irritating.

I enjoy a clever cliché even though some purists think the use equates to lazy writing. Clichés are relevant (in my opinion) because people use them in real life. Think outside the boxEvery cloud has its silver liningThere's no "I" in team. These sayings hold water because they are often applicable. So... I like to play a little fast and dirty with the unwritten 'no cliché' rule... giving my characters some creative leeway...

Honestly, the use of tropes in romance is a useful device for building expectation. What happens when 'there's only one bed'? And, if you want to get technical, what we commonly call a trope is actually a 'literary theme'.

Takeaway? You can use the words 'trope' and 'cliché' interchangeably; and a romance novel trope is actually a literary theme.

What's your favorite literary theme? If you're an author and a reader, is your favorite literary theme the same for both activities?

Do I have a favorite literary theme? Too many choices...

If you like to pick your next read by literary theme, here's a Maya Tyler cheat sheet:

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