January 7, 2022

The Latest New Year

We welcomed 2022 into the fold a week ago. It doesn't seem that long since we exchanged 2020 for 2021. It usually takes a few tries before the new year sticks. Thanks to my digital calendar, notes app, and email, I haven't had to write the date on anything yet.

The last few years (since the end of 2019 and the onset of COVID-19) have been more interesting than I prefer. The pandemic and ensuing fallout seems like the beginning of an apocalyptic movie (or book) which makes me wonder how this story will end. I also wonder about its impact on art and culture. Can we anticipate a surge of pandemic-themed books in the next few years?

My books take place in the very broad contemporary time period (1945 to present) where my present time ranges from the 1990s to 2010s. I have thus far avoided 2019 to 2022, although that choice was not a conscious one. Some of the events in my books relate to real world events, like World War II, so my timetable also has to correspond accordingly. In The Magicals Series, the wizards assisted the Germans with their war effort while the fairies joined the French Resistance. During, and after the war, characters from both groups immigrated to the United States. One character, Amelie Ricard, was a baby when her family fled Europe shortly after the Battle of France which meant she was born in 1940. She became pregnant with her son Kurtis in 1968, and he was born in 1969. If he was thirty years old in the present, then the year would be 1999. The years 1940 and 1968 are referenced specifically while the present is identified as present day.

The portrayal of time in books can be confusing (to read or write). How many time references does a reader need to follow the storyline? How many jumps in time can the author use to propel the story forward? Time is an important component of my stories. I use an adaptation of Archplot three-act structure and Save the Cat Beat Sheet, incorporating a timeline of the events.

My existing books dodge the COVID-19 bullet, but could my upcoming stories be susceptible? What will the future hold? Only time will tell.

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